I can’t be,
What you want me to be.
Simple as that,
Somethings are unchangeable,
Some conditions are,
Non negotiable.
Some damages
Are so far fetched
They can’t be repaired
Some wounds
Are so prominent
They can’t be healed.
Some depression
Are so deep
They can’t be filled.
You can’t change me,
If you have to,
You should travel in time,
When I was small
And the mud was wet,
When the mould was just set
And the wheel not moved,
That is the time,
Far far away in the time,
It’s finished.
All the structure is formed,
All the mud is dried,
All the gaps been filled,
All the faults been recognized,
Now, you can’t change me,
For who I am…
For who I am,
Is the result of what’s been around.
The way I looked up to,
The way I was disappointed,
The way I felt,
The way I was treated,
The way I loved,
The way I was hated,
The way I cherished,
The way I was left alone.
In the dark
They forged me to be
What I am today.
I show strength and courage,
I pick myself up from scraps,
I walk into unseen,
With the faith in myself,
I run to chase my dreams.
I hold my pride dearly,
More than I hold people around,
I was taught,
Life isn’t a fairy tale,
Nothing grows until cultivated,
Gifts are for those,
Who lived in mercy.
It’s not a doll house,
Where everything is pretty,
I taught myself,
To be strong,
To be alone,
To be indifferent,
To be not along.
It wasn’t a warm bed for me,
I slept on cold floor,
It wasn’t a dinner for me,
I ate what I found,
No friends at all,
I was left alone.
So, don’t complain about,
How you should be treated,
I treat you better
Than what I got.
I treat you better
Than what I got.
I treat you better
Than what I got.
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