Every now and then we come across stories that a person followed their instincts and made it through. Even in business field we see lots and lots of such examples. Every motivational speaker is up there to remind you of the same subject. Instinct in business in necessary. Trust your gut feeling, rely on your instincts, do it. Isn’t it so?
But there are failure stories also, every where around you. These stories of failure are so overwhelming that some times we start to doubt what is been told. So, what to do? what to trust? which way to go? How to listen and answer your instinct? Or, should you even listen to your gut feeling? Let us explore some ideas along this path together.
Instinct in business: what do they mean.
Not just instinct in business but in general instinct is a matter of debate. Is it our fear drive us or our courage is responsible for our moves in life and profession. Let us talk about the fear first.
Fear is also an instinct. This instinct in business will help you to stay away from bad deals and bad people. People who might be looking to milk your assets in their own interest. And in pursuing their own interests they don’t have any concerns for your gain. You know, they say this all time
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Your fear instinct will save you a lot of trouble. Be this gut feeling be the judge of people you are going into partnership. Now, let us talk about courage.
Courage is the instinct in business that will encourage you to take bold steps. Steps that you are not going to take normally. Or should I say in your right mind. Well there is a social scrutiny attached to this. If you would succeed in your venture people are going to applaud you. If not you are going to be the lesson of all stories people will tell to save their loved ones form making a big mistake.They will mark you crazy.
I am what I am not sorry about that.
Striking a balance.
Now, both of these attributes are going to take you to extremity. Either you will become a total coward or a complete destruction. The key is to strike the balance. To explore more attributes to these feelings. To go out experimenting and learning from what comes to you. Certainly being brave and a bit cautious.
In simpler words Learning to listen to your gut feeling and going with your instincts in business.
One thing is for certain that you are not going to gain this treasure of experience with limiting all it to yourself. Go out, try new things, work on your ideas. Then learn form the outcomes. Don’t surrender your soul to your fears. Fears are certainly good to keep you harms way but being skeptical is what keeping you from becoming great.
Now there is certainly a limit to exploring your self. There is certainly a limit of going with your gut feeling. There are some factors that I would like to bring in the light.
First of them is honesty. Honesty in everything. Really it is very important. Honesty in making your promises to clients and honesty in keeping your promises. Honesty in exploiting expectations of your customers and honesty in fulfilling the expectations you promised. Foremost is being honest with yourself. For example if in making a deal of selling a product you are falsifying your claims about the product or services. We all understand what will the consequence of our actions. Be on our own or on people around us.
Every one of us every now and then ignore some of our actions. Even when we know to some degree what will be the impact. If it is bringing more harm than the joy, don’t do it. It is really difficult to pinpoint human emotions virtually impossible I should say. But there always exists a hunch of things unfolding in the future. Balance that hunch and act on it for the greater good and well being of people around you. And by the people around you I just don’t meant to say your family, friends or the people you know. I meant to say well being of every human.
Grow without harming others.
love you. Stay blessed and work hard on your dreams without loosing your faith.
Southern Saratoga : south Australian arowana fish.
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