Vaccines : The Magical Preparation for a Healthier Life

Know About Vaccines: Being a parent is not an easy task, loving parents can’t think of giving pain to their precious child, but many times in life we have to take such decisions which are painful for a while but may help us and our little one to get better survival.

One of the important decision is preparing yourself and your child for proper vaccination, I am having a 2 yr old baby and it’s very painful for me to see him crying during vaccination most of the time I also start weeping with him but what I know is vaccinations are important to give him a disease-free and safe life. I never ever miss a single vaccination either I think it’s important or not being in Pharma profession.

Vaccines : The Magical Preparation for a Healthier Life

So to you also it’s my advice of being punctual for vaccinations what are mentioned by your respective doctors, missing a single vaccination can be life-threatening for your children.

So here it comes immunological products of which you should be aware properly.

Immunological Products

Vaccines, Sera, antisera, and toxoids are the preparations which are used as immunity enhancers to prevent and treat a particular disease:-

  1. Vaccines:- These are the preparations which contain antigens for e.g Polio vaccine, BCG Vaccine etc
  2. Sera/serum:- These preparations contain antibodies/extracted blood serum of animal which has immunity against a particular disease, serums consist of antibodies to the particular disease antigens and develop immunity against those diseases in both human and animals e.g. Diphtheria antiserum
  3. Toxoids:- products which contain bacterial toxins e.g. Diphtheria toxoid, Tetanus toxoid

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Types of Vaccines

1. Killed Vaccines (inactivated)

These forms of vaccines consist of killed virus, bacteria etc, they are safer in comparisons live attenuated vaccines because due to killed microorganism these are not able to cause any disease. When they are administered, their presence is considered as a foreign body called antigens against which our body develops antibodies to protect us.

This process may take a bit longer time and thus multiple doses have to be administered to the subject to get required immunity against a particular disease.

This includes two types of Preparations:-

  1. Bacterial Preparations – Typhoid- Paratyphoid (TAB),Vi Typhoid Polysaccharide,Cholera,Whooping Cough(pertussis),Meningococcal,  type B, Plague
  2. Viral Preparations – Poliomyelitis inactivated (IPV, Salk), Rabies, Influenza, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A

2. Live Attenuated Vaccines

These vaccinations are prepared with the live microorganisms like virus and bacterias or other pathogens by making them less virulent so they could not develop any fatal disease conditions. These forms of vaccines are fast-acting and are better than in killed vaccines in terms of effectiveness.

Types of preparations:-

  1. Bacterial Preparations – Typhoid, BCG
  2. Viral Preparations – Mumps, Poliomyelitis oral live, Measles, Rubella, varicella

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Elaborating Vaccines and Toxoids:-

  1. Measles Vaccine (Live) – It is used to prevent from measles virus which is very contagious and can easily end spread through even with air carriers like sneezing, and also if a normal person(not vaccinated) comes into the contact of an infected person. The initial symptoms are white spots on the tongue followed by red spots on the face which gradually spread throughout the body and also causes fever (104 degree Celsius ), running nose, body ache etc. The vaccines are aqueous suspensions of suitable live microorganism which are bacterially sterile. Here the virus is grown on chick embryo cell cultures.
  2. Small Pox Vaccines (Live) – In early decades this used to be a life-threatening condition worldwide caused by variola virus but now with the help of vaccines, it is eradicated. there are two methods of preparations for vaccines, one is with the help of calves or sheep and another one is prepared with the help of incubated eggs.
  3. Yellow fever vaccines(Live) – Aedes aegypti is the female mosquito which is found everywhere and is the source for spreading yellow fever virus in humans. Their vaccines are prepared with aqueous suspension made up of infected tissues of the chick embryo.
  4. Typhus Vaccines (Killed) – fever occurs due to the bacterial infection caused by fleas, lice which are infected through other animals. These are prepared by killed rickettsia organism strains, these are sterile suspensions.
  5. BCG Vaccines (Live) – Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is the bacteria which causes TB in the individual who comes into its contact. The lungs are majorly affected but may infect some other body organs if not treated in time. The vaccines are freeze-dried preparations containing a live culture of the bacillus and strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  6. Pertussis Vaccines (Killed) – Bordetella pertussis is the bacteria which causes a severe respiratory infection in the human beings also known as whooping cough. These are sterile bacterial suspensions prepared by killed pertussis bacilli.
  7. Diphtheria vaccines – diphtheria is a communicable bacterial infection that results in inflammation in the throat due to which patients feel difficulty in breathing and further it may cause heart failures, paralysis and also death in patients. The preparations are sterile suspensions and are adsorbed on the mineral carrier for e.g aluminium hydroxide or/ phosphate.
  8. Tetanus Toxoid Vaccines – these are used to treat tetanus which is a life-threatening illness and may fatal an individual if not treated in time. Tetanus is also known as lockjaw because the virus results in the convulsions which further cause stiffness in the body as strong as required to fracture a bone, the fatal ratios are 30-40% if not taken care. It is prepared by exotoxin of Clostridium tetani.

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There are many more vaccines which are prepared by our respected medical scientists to provide us a healthy life. They have spent a lot of valuable time to provide us with the cure of life-threatening disease so, don’t miss a single vaccine which is advised by the doctor for the sake of your and your loved one’s healthy life. At last my greatest applauds of thanks to all of them.

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Meha Pathak

About Meha Pathak

Mrs Meha Pathak is a well-established pharmacist located in Jaipur, India. She did her bachelor’s in pharmacy from B.N College Udaipur. In a career stretching over a decade now she had worked with some of the most reputed pharmaceutical giants like Ranbaxy ( now Sun Pharma), Glenmark, Abbott India. Presently she is working with prestigious multinational pharmaceutical giant Astra Zeneca. She brings you the latest and best of health and wellness industry presented in an easy and understandable manner.

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