New Healthy Habit : How to Develop and Sustain

New healthy habit is a good sign that a person wants to be better than earlier. A habit is nothing but a continuation of the same thing done periodically or with irregular intervals. Let us make it simple, when you do a particular task regularly it is counted as a habit. To develop a new healthy habit , you have to examine your daily routine, analyze it and think of the factors which make a bad impact on your health and personality.

New Healthy Habit : How to Develop and Sustain

Eliminating a bad habit could be the first step to adapt a healthy and high-class living. Also developing a new healthy habit doesn’t necessarily mean to start something new. You can very well give up old bad and self damaging habits to be better, Both physically and psychologically.

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Good diet; a very important new healthy habit.

To function properly our body needs energy, that comes from the consumption of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. But in a balanced amount. Being a vegetarian, non-vegetarian or vegan does not impact your physical endurance if your diet chart includes all the necessary nutrients. A good diet lets you cherish life by enjoying different tastes of the cuisine culture.

To form a new healthy habit of proper nutritious and balanced diet you may change your routine. You should invest al little time to prepare your meals according to your needs. Start form pre planning a day’s diet in advance. For example, you can always plan for 6 diets a day. Apart from regular breakfast, lunch and dinner you should incorporate healthy snacks in your plan.

Where it goes wrong and how to deal with it.

Usually most of us do plan a good diet. But all overeating happens between meals, mostly. So, plan your diet taking in consideration for mid meal snacks.

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For example, you can add a platter of fruits and a platter of vegetables. These can provide a nil to minimal calorie addition. But will surely fill you to feel satisfied for a couple of hours or more. Next you can go for skimmed milk or milk alternatives with a satisfying blend of protein powders. But please be cautious and consult your doctor first before introducing and protein powder. I would recommend consulting a good doctor even if a dietician has approved your intake.


A physical activity that helps the body to gain fitness and triggers overall wellness is referred to as Exercise. Adapting exercise in your daily routine is a very good step towards a healthy habit. Begin the session by small, achievable goals and increase them gradually. Do not burden yourself, make the exercise session enjoyable.

You should be your motivation!

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Routine or Exercise.

Most of the times we confuse routine with demand of exercise. For example take a college or school lecturer. Suppose that the institute he or she is working is a multi storey building. Now to take daily lectures he or she needs to navigate between floors.

There is a very high probability that this is done with walking up and down stairs. Now this is a daily activity for them. No, doubt this will help to stay fit but a long duration of time say 4-6 months their body will adjust to the effort. Their muscles will not be exerted anymore. This happens every time. So, you need to understand that exercise is something extra that your daily routine. Anything at all will work. Be it a long walk with your family or friends or your dogs, be it a daily gym time or a yoga time at home it is great. Really, it’s just that simple. Any addition to your daily routine will work just fine. Just be committed to your cause.

Where does it go wrong?

Well, it is all about discipline. A self imposed discipline. That is why a community exercise is recommended. Sometimes we all feel low because of several reasons. The reason or reasons may be personal or something at work or in neighborhood. But being in a group helps to overcome self inflicted introvert behavior. That is why people love to go to gyms, sports centers and fitness clubs.

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One more thing, being in a group will always provide you close coordination of professionals. For example doing weight training under a certified trainer will avoid possibilities of stupid injuries. Also experts can help you with your daily routine. Mentioning of routine let us now talk about the natural clock that is upset in many modern individuals.

Sleeping and waking up timings: new healthy habit that can change your life.

We all have heard this quotation, “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Proper sleep is very necessary for the body to execute all day jobs efficiently. The proper sleep time which helps an individual to feel fresh can vary as per the body type. If you sleep early, you can wake up early and this will help you build a healthy habit and this will definitely help you in starting your day with great enthusiasm.

As human our natural clock is synchronized with the rise and setting of sun. When there was no electricity almost all jobs were oriented with day time light. But now with artificial suns in every room at least the need of sun for light purposes is not a problem. So, we organize and schedule our day according to our personal needs.  An afternoon nap can also help in relaxing your body.

Alcohol- drinking; replace it with a new healthy habit.

We know it is very hard to leave a bad habit and replace it with a new one. But everything begins with a small start; if you are habitual of consuming alcohol daily, you should think about it. Alcohol consumption not only affects your health but your pocket too. Sometimes people unknowingly move away from their loved ones, bottles dissolve the bridge of affection that helps in leading a happy relationship. You can make small goals to cut down this habit. Guide your mind to have a small quantity of alcohol, decrease this quantity gradually.

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Do not compare yourself or your small achievement with other people. If you quit by taking small steps, appreciate it. It will certainly help build a trust that you can do it. And with a fine determination, you can get over this habit.


Like the consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes is also a major factor that affects health and money. Quitting can be very difficult but with a firm determination, anything could be accomplished. Your health is the biggest reason to stop smoking. When you smoke you contaminate the environment, people around you inhale the smoke (which makes them a passive smoker). Find a reason that will help you withstand your decision. Avoid the things that trigger your craving; say no to alcohol, avoid gatherings where people smoke. Build a healthy environment around yourself.

Take medical assistance in quitting the cigarette, there are many nicotine tablets available in the market that helps in quitting cigarette. Meditation teaches to control one’s emotions and express the identity in a controlled way, it also helps in conquering the cravings and leading a life without being called a smoker.

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Moving towards a bright life requires a few harsh steps to overcome your habits. The above keys will help you in making a better living, will improve your ethics.

Your body needs your effort! You are the one responsible for your golden lifestyle!

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Meha Pathak

About Meha Pathak

Mrs Meha Pathak is a well-established pharmacist located in Jaipur, India. She did her bachelor’s in pharmacy from B.N College Udaipur. In a career stretching over a decade now she had worked with some of the most reputed pharmaceutical giants like Ranbaxy ( now Sun Pharma), Glenmark, Abbott India. Presently she is working with prestigious multinational pharmaceutical giant Astra Zeneca. She brings you the latest and best of health and wellness industry presented in an easy and understandable manner.

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